I would pay you a dollar to play dollar.
Rocket From The Crypt played a 2 night stand at Alex’s Bar on January 30 and 31, 2015. They were great, playing different sets each night, and spanning their massive catalog. I’m sure everyone there left satisfied, hot, sweaty and tired … I also assume everyone there left bummed that they didn’t get the hear “that one special song.” For me, that song is DOLLAR. I freeking love that song. I thought I might have some pull, since Paul stayed at my house and I bugged him about playing it … I bugged Pete too … I guess I should have used “Hey, my birthday was last weekend, just play it for me, please!” And it really was my birthday …I turned 50, YIKES … Anyway, they didn’t play DOLLAR, but both nights were AWESOME … If forced to choose, I preferred the second night, it simply sounded better. I liked The Drips too … They were in the support slot on the second night …
I’ve never been satisfied with my Rocket photos, and these are no exception … But, I’m sharing anyway … Like I do.
Five of the Six …
Percussion From The Crypt (I think this is my favorite shot of the night)
I think these pictures turned out so rad! And now I know what the show looked like from that side of the stage
Thx Weed.