Venice is a great place to continue the Protrait Project
Portraits 19 – 23 were done in Venice, CA last weekend.
These portraits are very different than all of the others, which is good, I like them.
Portrait Project – Portrait #19 – Venice, CA (this is the first portrait of a couple, first full-length shot, and honestly, the first shot in the portrait project that I didn’t ask permission, someone else asked first, then I did too).
Portrait Project – Portrait #20 – Venice, CA – Another first for the portrait project, a (what I presumed to be) homeless gentleman. I asked for and was granted permission to shoot and got a fist bump after the shot.
Portrait Project – Portrait #21 – Venice, CA – This is the first portrait that I paid for. But, I offered money after the shot, not to get the shot.
Portrait Project – Portrait #22 – Venice, CA
Portrait Project – Portrait #23 – Venice, CA – He was excited to show off his trick. “Wanna see me eat my nose?”
These are fantastic!!
thanks Weave