Surprise show at Bar Pink
As some of you know, Rocket From The Crypt (RFTC) waited until 5:30pm on Sunday, March 31, 2013 (Easter) to announce a show at Bar Pink at 6:30pm the same night. Some of my friends, knowing my history with the band, assumed I knew earlier and even accused me of withholding information. I swear I didn’t know. The Weave and I had planned to spend the weekend in San Diego, hang with her parents and some of our friends. That’s why we were in town.
A few weeks earlier, as the information and promotion of RFTC’s reunion shows in Europe started to emerge, I mentioned to the guys that they needed a current photo and offered to take it for them. They agreed. When I told them I was going to be in SD over Easter weekend they simply told me that I should come to their practice at 6:00 pm on Sunday, location TBA. As Sunday rolled around, I sent John a text asking if we were still on … He said “Totally” and that he’d get me the address later. He finally ‘fessed up around 5:30 with a group text to 6 people. “Howdy friends! Happy Easter eggs! RFTC is gonna play a last minute warm up at bar pink today at 6:30. Please don’t post it anywhere …. ” It makes sense that they would want to play live before jumping on a plane and heading to Europe the next day for their first official reunion shows. I’m not sure why it took me so long to put it together.
We got there early-ish, I got a spot right in the front. I’ve never been that close at a Rocket show. I’m usually side stage or back farther. Honestly, it was a little uncomfortable to be right in their faces, but I wanted the opportunity to shoot some pictures, assuming at this point that the “promo photo session” was not going to happen.
I’m not going to give you a show review, you can find several on line. If any of them say anything but that they KICKED ASS, they are wrong. I don’t think there are too many people who have seen that band more times than I have, and I thought they were AMAZING. One review I can recommend is one from my friend Ryan Ritchie on Rolling Stone dot com. I am bummed about one thing in that review is and that is I didn’t get my photos uploaded and processed quickly enough to be considered. I saw Ryan before the show, he saw my camera(s) and said, “I’m going to review the show, maybe I can use some of your pictures.” I agreed right away. I woke up Monday morning, still in San Diego (and far from my computer) and Ryan’s review was already on Rolling Stone. I’m stoked for Ryan but bummed at my missed opportunity. Selfish? Perhaps, but its Rolling f’ing Stone!
So here are some of the photos I would have sent to Ryan hoping they’d be considered for his review.
Finally, here at the bottom of one of my longest posts ever – I did get a chance to do a quick photo session with the band after the show. I think they turned out great – I’m really happy with them and dying to share them, but I need to let the guys see them first. Once the band sees the pictures, I’ll post a few and, happily, they’ll have some current pictures to choose from when they need ’em.
Great post! I would think that Rolling Stone would still be interested in putting one of the pictures on the site as a late addition as people will be googling it as they travel across Europe. They also like to have imagery for their archives.
Thanks Androo – I’ll reach out and see.
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Thx for the re-blog
You are welcome
Great writeup and excellent photos. You got some great shots of my wife having fun with her arms up in the air. Love the one of Speedo and ND taking it to the extreme.
Thanks for the kind words. I’d be happy to make a print for you if you’re interested.