Pounded by the Swami

Saturday, April 9, 2016 at the Observatory in Orange County. We saw Swami John Reis and The Blind Shake along with Pounded By The Surf. There was an opening band, but we missed them … Pounded By The Surf were great … Then “Swami John Reis and The Blind Shake” came out and kicked it…

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Drive Like Jehu at The Echoplex last night (2/28/2016). Here’s my gallery from New Noise Magazine.

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Almost got away … forever

After shooting a rockshow, my editing process is pretty simple. First, I upload ALL of the photos. Next, I weed out the bad ones (eyes closed, too blurry, missed shots, etc) … Then I look closer at the ones I have left and narrow them down further. Maybe no one’s eyes are closed, but it’s…

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Online Gallery for ALL ACCESS show – Long Beach Dec 5, 2015 – Jan 9, 2016

Here’s an online gallery for the framed images in the ALL ACCESS show currently hanging at SOMATIC GALLERY in Long Beach, CA. These framed photos are available for purchase at SOMATIC GALLERY in Long Beach, CA. Thank you for asking! Phil Alvin – Framed, white mat, square black molding, 13 x 19, Gelatin Print –…

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never got kicked out

I shot one of my favorite bands this month (September): THE DAMNED. I’ll not bitch about the parking at the House of Mouse , but please know that it was the worst I’ve ever seen. I’ll try to keep this short, since my Social D post is long. I love The Damned. Captain Sensible is…

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only approved contributions allowed

I was lucky enough to score a photo pass for Social Distortion at The Observatory for Sunday, September 13, 2015. No, I was not the oldest person at this show, which was great. Getting on the list and getting a photo pass for Social D in Orange County is crazy.  I asked a friend, who…

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a piggy’s favorite shot

August 5, 2015 – Piggy played at Alex’s Bar. It was so dark that I popped up my on-camera-flash for a few shots to fill in some light in order to get some of these photos. I never do that. I submitted a grip of PIGGY photos to New Noise Magazine, which you can see here….

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these guys aren’t in Black Flag anymore

2 years ago, when I pawed through my Black Flag shoot from the Observatory, I wasn’t very happy with the results. I pawed through them again today and found a couple that I like … It’s always good to get away from your photos after you take them … Then come back and look at…

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RFTC | The Bronx | Dead Heavens

In the spirit of trying to keep these posts less wordy, I’ll make it brief: 1. This show was awesome 2. I’ve discovered that I’m a total wuss and prefer a barricade to shoot behind 3. There was no barricade at this show due to a request from one of the rock bands. 4. These…

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A 3-fer!

I hope when I type things like: “I was lucky enough to score a photopass” that I don’t sound like a phony. I truly feel lucky to get these photopasses. Regularly, professional, working, photographers will ask me how I get my photopasses … I am lucky to have friends in the right places who can…

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