Pounded by the Swami

Saturday, April 9, 2016 at the Observatory in Orange County. We saw Swami John Reis and The Blind Shake along with Pounded By The Surf. There was an opening band, but we missed them … Pounded By The Surf were great … Then “Swami John Reis and The Blind Shake” came out and kicked it…

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Drive Like Jehu at The Echoplex last night (2/28/2016). Here’s my gallery from New Noise Magazine.

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people ruin everything

Last week, Sept 25-26, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Scott Reynolds and Chad Price. I offered to help book them a couple shows, one of which was in San Diego, so I drove them down to the show and hung out. It was a lot of fun. We got a room at…

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websites …

2 things I hope you’ll check out. 1. I was very surprised and excited to be asked to participate in Swimmingly’s 2013 year end round up of music and food. I can’t tell you how many times I wrote and re-wrote my answers … I tried to edit and shorten each time and I still…

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top ten of 2013

I was reading a post by fellow photographer Michael Ares and he did a year end, “top ten” list of his favorite shots of 2013. After reading his post, I thought it was a great idea. A great way to look through your work throughout the year and see how your are improving or if…

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Surprise show at Bar Pink

As some of you know, Rocket From The Crypt (RFTC) waited until 5:30pm on Sunday, March 31, 2013 (Easter) to announce a show at Bar Pink at 6:30pm the same night. Some of my friends, knowing my history with the band, assumed I knew earlier and even accused me of withholding information. I swear I…

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Surprise show at Bar Pink

As some of you know, Rocket From The Crypt (RFTC) waited until 5:30pm on Sunday, March 31, 2013 (Easter) to announce a show at Bar Pink at 6:30pm the same night. Some of my friends, knowing my history with the band, assumed I knew earlier and even accused me of withholding information. I swear I…

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