Drive Like Jehu at The Echoplex last night (2/28/2016). Here’s my gallery from New Noise Magazine.
Continue Reading →Drive Like Jehu at The Echoplex last night (2/28/2016). Here’s my gallery from New Noise Magazine.
Continue Reading →Here’s an online gallery for the framed images in the ALL ACCESS show currently hanging at SOMATIC GALLERY in Long Beach, CA. These framed photos are available for purchase at SOMATIC GALLERY in Long Beach, CA. Thank you for asking! Phil Alvin – Framed, white mat, square black molding, 13 x 19, Gelatin Print –…
Continue Reading →2 years ago, when I pawed through my Black Flag shoot from the Observatory, I wasn’t very happy with the results. I pawed through them again today and found a couple that I like … It’s always good to get away from your photos after you take them … Then come back and look at…
Continue Reading →I am one of the biggest “dorky-fan-boys” I know. Needless to say, when I got a text from Lou Barlow last week asking for permission to use some photos I shot of a recording session back in 2013, I was blown away. I love all Lou’s music, but I have to be honest and say…
Continue Reading →While I am proud to work on every episode of Death or Glory, there are a couple that I am a little closer to. This is one of them. I think it’s because I was able to reach out to Tom Hazelmyer to be a guest, so I felt like I helped to get the…
Continue Reading →I am cutting down on the wordiness of my posts. A few words and a few photos. Done and done. Now that I’ve exceeded my word-count allotment for this post … I’ll simply say that I’ve always felt that I was a little late to the Replacements … I think “Let It Be” was my…
Continue Reading →I guess I’m going backwards, I posted episode #8 last week … Here’s Death or Glory #7 with Derwood Andrews from Generation X and Casey Chaos from Amen. In my mind, this episode epitomizes what Death or Glory is. It’s not an interview show, it’s a conversation between 2 people with interesting stories and you…
Continue Reading →Some of you know that I am the set photographer on a video show called Death or Glory. It’s really fun and I’m going to start posting links to the episodes … I’d love to know what you think. Here’s #8 with Chris Shiflett (Foo Fighters) and Jonny 2Bags (Social Distortion). This episode is the…
Continue Reading →While I am merely an unpaid hired gun set photographer, I feel very attached to Death or Glory. Recently, I assisted in putting on an event at Angel City Brewery called “Steal Music Buy Art” or SMBA for short. SMBA was created to debut 4 episodes of Death or Glory but became so much more….
Continue Reading →Rocket From The Crypt played a 2 night stand at Alex’s Bar on January 30 and 31, 2015. They were great, playing different sets each night, and spanning their massive catalog. I’m sure everyone there left satisfied, hot, sweaty and tired … I also assume everyone there left bummed that they didn’t get the hear…
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