Pirates and Gamblers, What a Night!

Please click here to see my photos and review of Alex’s Bar’s 17th anniversary rockshow in New Noise Magazine. I am still not very comfortable with using my flash … But I used it for the Riverboat Gamblers’ set … I went back to high ISO for Throw Rag. Alex’s Bar is bathed in RED…

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Day Late

I got this in the mail ONE DAY after my birthday … I’m still going to call it a birthday gift … I shot the band PIGGY at Alex’s Bar a few months ago …  They asked for a couple shots to use on their facebook page and a few prints, which I was happy…

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Online Gallery for ALL ACCESS show – Long Beach Dec 5, 2015 – Jan 9, 2016

Here’s an online gallery for the framed images in the ALL ACCESS show currently hanging at SOMATIC GALLERY in Long Beach, CA. These framed photos are available for purchase at SOMATIC GALLERY in Long Beach, CA. Thank you for asking! Phil Alvin – Framed, white mat, square black molding, 13 x 19, Gelatin Print –…

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a piggy’s favorite shot

August 5, 2015 – Piggy played at Alex’s Bar. It was so dark that I popped up my on-camera-flash for a few shots to fill in some light in order to get some of these photos. I never do that. I submitted a grip of PIGGY photos to New Noise Magazine, which you can see here….

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Big Deal …

While I am merely an unpaid hired gun set photographer, I feel very attached to Death or Glory. Recently, I assisted in putting on an event at Angel City Brewery called “Steal Music Buy Art” or SMBA for short. SMBA was created to debut 4 episodes of Death or Glory but became so much more….

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On Line Gallery for the Memphis show.

The show at Memphis is still hanging (2920 Bristol St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626) … It will be there through December 10, 2014. If you can’t make it, here’s an on line gallery to check out. All images are printed on 16 x 20 paper, with borders, matted and framed. Here they are, in the…

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A steak, a baked potato and an Octagrape

On July 19 my new favorite band, Octagrape, played at The Prospector, in Long Beach. This is the second time I’ve seen them and the first time I bought my camera. Their record is GREAT, but live they take it to another level. Jaw on the floor, amazing! The entire band oozes with sweat and…

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Show on Saturday April 5!

I’m honored to be one of the participants in this benefit group art show for the children of Anthony Castaneda. Please come out and support the cause. CROWNING GLORY 11135 Weddington Street # 127 N. Hollywood, CA 91601 818.487.7424

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it was on the news, so it must be true

The other day, while surfing around on facebook, I saw a news story about the 25th anniversary of the Casbah. Of course I clicked it … And what did I see at the 1:34 mark of the story? One of my photographs! I had no idea! I was super stoked to see it. I think…

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